Welcome to the Stephen King World Book Cover Collection

Thank you for visiting this Stephen King Cover Gallery. I have built this site as a free community resource for all Stephen King fans and with your support we can continue to grow it into the most comprehensive cover gallery site available anywhere in the world. The site already has over 10,000 images including not only books but fanart, audiobooks, remarques, after-market traycases and the odd DVD but we aren’t stopping here. If you want to know more about this project and future developments select the ABOUT link from the top menu.

Firstly – be kind (please). Literally hundreds of hours of research over the last two years have gone into this project and the main thing I have learnt during that time is that the Internet is full of mis-information. I have discovered multiple cover images that have been posted each claiming it’s from a different publisher or different year and I am no linguist so information on non-English sites has sometimes been difficult to validate. I’ve therfore gone with the majority but there will be errors (prticularly related to publication years) and that’s OK. Between us we can correct them over time. Use the CONTACT page to let me know and I will rectify them but please be patient as there is still much to be done.

If you simply want to browse and lose yourself in the amazing world of Stephen King then head straight to the LIBRARY, pour yourself your favourite tipple, pull up a chair, and prepare to be amazed. Use the search options to locate the book of your interest then click on a thumbnail to see more details and use the tab below the image to rate the cover if you so wish – no offensive language please. There is a Guide to the Library just under the Library heading.


12th March 2022 – Apologies to my friends here. Due to personal reasons I haven’t been able to provide updates recently but I hope to start again very shortly.

Email me any images you would like to be included

24th August – More updates coming soon. The holiday season has slowed us down a bit but lots more to come over the next couple of weeks

STICKYDue to kind donations, I have been able to purchase more web space so images should start be to better quality. THANK YOU to those who donated. If you want to help to keep this site live, click on the link at the bottom of this page. Even the smallest amounts help.

If you then want to help build this resource and you have cover images, unique rarities or remarques that aren’t currently shown here or you have better images than those displayed and you would like to share them with the world, use the CONTACT link in the top menu.

And finally, as a Stephen King fan community resource, there are no charges for use and we offer nothing to buy. All the hours spent building this resource and the cost of hosting is borne by us but you can (if you wish) donate to the upkeep of this essential resource by clicking on the Paypal donate button at the bottom of this page. Even just $1/£1 or more will go a long way to helping us. We will be able to improve the quality of the images if we buy more storage space (we won’t need to compress images so much) so your donations will go a long way to help improve this site. THERE IS NO OBLIGATION TO DONATE. Thank you.

If you would like to donate to the upkeep and growth of this website please click below.

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